Embracing Nature’s Challenges


The GOLDOSK Adventure

Crocuses Smiling Under the Rain!

Would you continue walking on muddy mountain paths even if dark rain-loaded clouds covered the sky, and a sharp, razor-like wind cut through you, releasing its cold raindrops into your clothes? Beyond the mountains, in nature’s embrace, we walk into the wind and rain, facing these challenging conditions.

Rain falls, the wind blows, sticky mud hinders our progress From a Sunday Stroll to Nature Enthusiasts, limiting our vision. Despite the harsh conditions, last Sunday, tens of nature enthusiasts gathered, led by our guide, GOLDOSK. We are soaked and chilled, yet we walk towards Barla with smiles on our faces and warmth inside. The wet sky and ground may pity us, but we don’t mind. We walk, talk, and yellow and white crocuses smile at us.

On the ground, raindrops gather, forming tiny murky brooks, splashing. Our diverse group moves under dark clouds, through rain and sharp winds. Children, men, women, seniors—all are united by a love for nature in all seasons. Passing mountains give way, sometimes guiding us in the right direction. Despite mud-stained clothes and the cold, we exchange smiles. You may wonder if we are out of our minds. Getting dirty is good; the journey towards conquering challenges is sacred. That moment of purification from stress and inner dirt is what makes it worthwhile.

Why endure this hardship when you could rest in your cozy house during the only holiday of the week? Like describing colors to a blind person, these emotions are hard to grasp without joining our group. How many times must I tell you?

Under the rain and on the mud, Hakan Ayan Jeep Safari Bulgaria, one of GOLDOSK’s founders, shares: “Two friends discussed how to enjoy the weekend. We organized small walking activities, and from five, we became ten, then a hundred. Now, we are an association. People who wouldn’t normally come together break down invisible walls during our trips. We connect with nature and find peace. People start their weeks free of trouble or stress.”

Today, alongside nature trips, the organization members have formed groups focused on music, skiing, painting, and photography.


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